utimeq – heap queue with times

Difference to CPython

This is a MicroPython specific module. It’s based on heapq but its implementation is more specialized than that, and it’s not possible to use list operations like indexing on it.

This module uses the heap queue algorithm (priority queue algorithm) to create a heap queue where entries are popped based on which has the earliest time.


class utimeq.utimeq(n)

Create a utimeq heap queue with space for n entries. This size is static, and an attempt to push too many entries onto it will throw an IndexError with message ‘queue overflow’.

The queue sorts itself by entries’ time parameters, and then by the order in which entries were pushed for entries with equal times. So entries with lower time parameters get popped first, and for entries with the same time the first only that was pushed gets popped first.

The heap queue can be tested for non-emptiness with “if(heap)”.

push(time, obj, userdata)

Push an entry onto the heap queue.

  • The time parameter should be a number of ticks (see the utime module) compatible with utime.ticks_diff().

  • The obj and userdata parameters are not used internally, so the user can set them to anything. (The underlying MicroPython code suggests a callback and its arguments.)


Takes the entry with lowest time off the heap queue. Populates the first three items of the given list (which must already exist) with:

  • The entry’s time.

  • The entry’s obj.

  • The entry’s userdata.

Returns None.


Returns the time of the current top item (i.e. the one that will be popped next) but without popping it.