_onewire – OneWire Protocol

This module allows sending and receiving of data on a Pin according to the OneWire protocol.

Functions which take a pin argument expect an argument that can be used to reference a Pin, i.e. something you can feed to the machine.Pin() function. In the RI5’s case, this is a str.



Does a OneWire reset on the given pin. Returns true if a device presence pulse was detected, otherwise false.


Reads and returns a single bit from the given pin, assuming the Onewire protocol.


Reads 8 bits from the given pin using the Onewire protocol, then returns them as an integer. (Assumes a low-bit-first model.)

_onewire.writebit(pin, bitval)

Writes a single bit with value bitval to the given pin, assuming the Onewire protocol.

_onewire.writebyte(pin, byteval)

From byte byteval, writes 8 bits to the given pin using the Onewire protocol. (Assumes a low-bit-first model.)


Computes the 8-bit CRC-remainder of the given bytearray (or other buffered object). As expected for the Onewire protocol, it seems to use the CRC-8/MAXIM version.